Enchanted Rock, Ltd. (ERock), a leader and innovator in distributed energy, is about keeping businesses in business. We provide companies with the tools to manage physical and financial risk associated with electricity.  When power outages occur, businesses are vulnerable to reputational and financial harm. Increasing electricity costs can squeeze companies’ margins.  ERock's Electranet System provides protection against loss of power and a financial hedge against rising electricity prices.


The ERock Electranet System includes:

  • Conventional and renewable Distributed Generation (DG) that operates at or near the point of electric consumption
  • Onsite Controls for DG, load management and energy storage
  • Aggregation and Deployment Networks that provide sophisticated monitoring, energy grid interface and deployment

The ERock fundamental view is:

  • Electric grid reliability is degrading, driven by aging generation, transmission and distribution infrastructure, the ramp of variable renewable supply and increasing extreme weather events
  • Government, businesses and individuals are more dependent on electricity than ever before
  • Grid operators are demanding innovative solutions from quick-response distributed storage, load control and distributed generation as reliability decreases
  • Customer demand for cost-effective and integrated commodity, renewable and reliability solutions is increasing

In response to these long-term, pervasive trends, ERock has combined its businesses into one operating company to become the first smart-grid supplier to US energy consumers, installing, operating and integrating its highly-flexible, low-cost and quick-response Electranet System with traditional electricity, natural gas and petroleum supplies to:

  • Increase reliability, reduce cost and decrease carbon footprint for its end-use customers
  • Provide stability, reliability and energy products for grid operators and their customers